DATE: 30/09/2018


1.The Congress session which passed Quit India
resolution in 1942 was held at : Bombay

2. The district in Kerala which stands first in producing electricity from water : Idukki

3. The maximum number of members from the States to Lok Sabha : 530

4. The organization which is connected with the list of World Heritage sites: UNESCO

5. Dewan who exiled Swadesabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai: P. Rajagopalachari

6. In which state is Golconda diamond mines: Telengana

7. India Gate was designed by : Edwin Lutyens

8. When did China accept Sikkim as part of India : 2004

9. Camphor can be separated from sand by: Sublimation

10. Which halogen is contained in DDT? Chlorine

11. Smoke, fog and mist are examples of:Aerosols

12. Iron that contains the highest percentage of carbon: Pig Iron

13. Acidity in milk is caused by: The activity of enzymes

14. Which element has the lowest melting point:Helium

15. The element with the highest density:Osmium

16. The lightest metal: Lithium

17.Which Article of the Constitution is related to President’s rule in State? 356

18. Which State/ Union Territory has the least number of members in its Legislative Assembly? Puducherry

19. The minimum age required to contest in the election to Legislative Assembly: 25

20. As per the provisions of the Constitution, the strength of State Legislative Assembly is limited upto: 500

21. The Indian state where President’s rule was imposed for the first time: Punjab

22. Which state has the largest number of Legislative Council seats? Uttar Pradesh

23. The Headquarters of Bamboo corporation :Angamali

24. Natural radio activity was discovered by : Henry Becquerel

25. When did Mahathma Gandhi reach Kerala for the first time : 1920

26. International Poverty Study Center is at : Brazil

27. The first Nano Technology study center in India is at :Bangalore

28. Founder of Swatantra Party : C Rajagopalachari

29. In which year Dayanad Saraswati established Arya Samaj: 1875

30.Who has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha? The President


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