F INAL LAP SET 2 DATE: 30 /09/2018 13 DAYS REMAINING 1. The Congress session which passed Quit India resolution in 1942 was held at : Bombay 2. The district in Kerala which stands first in producing electricity from water : Idukki 3. The maximum number of members from the States to Lok Sabha : 530 4. The organization which is connected with the list of World Heritage sites: UNESCO 5. Dewan who exiled Swadesabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai: P. Rajagopalachari 6. In which state is Golconda diamond mines: Telengana 7. India Gate was designed by : Edwin Lutyens 8. When did China accept Sikkim as part of India : 2004 9. Camphor can be separated from sand by: Sublimation 10. Which halogen is contained in DDT? Chlorine 11. Smoke, fog and mist are examples of: Aerosols 12. Iron that contains the high...