ASPIRE A BETTER FUTURE Academic Support Program for Inspiring Right Education “ Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” QUESTION ZONE PART 5 1. Which cytoplasmic organelles are treated as prokaryotic cells within the eukaryotic cells? 2. What is the minimum age for election/appointment as member of the Rajya Sabha ? 3. When milk is churned, how does the cream separate from it? 4. In USA, which region receives heavy rainfall throughout the year under the influence of Westerlies? 5. Which first Europeans came to India? 6. When did man first land on moon ? 7. Which is the secondary source of light in a fluorescent lamp? 8. Archaeopteryx had which reptilian characters? 9. Which cold and dense air blowing down the mountain slope during the night? 10. When was the monopoly of East India Company in trade brought un...